Garlicy Beet Greens

I’m always thinking of ways to minimize food waste and these sautéed/braised beet greens are the perfect way to use the whole plant !!

Normally store-bought beet greens are a little rough looking, but I bought some gorgeous beets at the farmers market, and I couldn’t bare to compost the greens so here we are

Super simple, super nutritious, lots of garlic and a little lemon

(Makes 2 servings)


Stems and leaves from 1 beet “bunch”

4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

1 tbsp ghee

1/2 small lemon, juiced

1/4 c bone broth

Salt & pepper to taste


Rinse the beet greens and stems thoroughly to remove any dirt/sand. Chop up the stems and leaves and separate

Heat ghee in a pan over medium heat then add the chopped stems and sauté for a couple minutes

Turn heat down a bit, add the garlic and stir until fragrant. Add in the beet greens and bone broth and cook until most of the broth has evaporated and the stems are tender

Season to taste with salt & pepper and finish with lemon juice

Perfect served with fried eggs, in a grain bowl, or just as a side for a healthy dinner!