5 Ways to Improve Gut Health

Your gut microbiome is made up of trillions of bacteria and microbes that help with digestion, immunity, elimination and even brain health! 

Here are some steps you can take to ensure you’re supporting your gut daily:

1. Lower your stress levels - easier said than done, but stress and anxiety can upset the microbes in your gut leading to digestive issues such as bloating and irregularity. Try meditating, journaling, dancing or going for a walk to relax!

2, Eat slowly & chew thoroughly - properly chewing your food can signal to your gut that food is on its way, which can help to improve your digestion. It also literally breaks the food down more in your mouth, which means your gut won’t have to work as hard

3. Avoid antibiotic usage - antibiotics can kill off too many of the beneficial bacteria in your gut, which damages gut health and immunity longterm. If you must take antibiotics, supplementing with a probiotic can help keep your microbes in check 

4. Diversify your diet - studies show that the more diverse your diet is, the more diverse your microbiome will be. A diverse microbiome is a healthy microbiome, so make sure to feed it the rainbow!

5. Stay active -  research also shows that people with sedentary lifestyles have a less diverse microbiome so aim to get moving multiple times throughout the day (even just by going for quick walks after eating or by parking further away from your destination) 

These are just a few tips, and there are a million more ways to support your gut health through proper nutrition, adequate sleep, etc.